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running the container (the hard way)#

docker run

  • This is the basic command used to create and start a container from a specified Docker image.
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/code -p 8000:8000 --name plebnet-container plebnet-compose


  • This option tells Docker to automatically remove the container when it exits, which helps to keep your system clean by removing containers you no longer need.

-v $PWD:/code

  • The -v option is used to create a volume, which allows you to share files between your host system and the container.
  • $PWD is an environment variable that holds the current working directory on your host system.
  • :/code specifies the path inside the container where the host system's current working directory will be mounted.

So, -v $PWD:/code maps the current working directory on your host system to /code inside the container, allowing files to be shared between the two.

-p 8000:8000:

  • The -p option is used to map a port on your host system to a port on the container.
  • 8000:8000 maps port 8000 on your host system to port 8000 on the container, allowing network traffic to be forwarded between them.

--name plebnet-container

  • The --name option allows you to specify a name for the container, making it easier to identify and manage. plebnet-container is the name you've chosen for this container.


This is the name of the Docker image from which you want to create the container. The docker run command will create a new container from the plebnet-compose image, using the options specified.

Together, this command will create and start a new container named plebnet-container from the plebnet-compose image, with the current working directory on your host system mounted to /code inside the container, and port 8000 on your host system mapped to port 8000 on the container. The container will be automatically removed when it exits due to the --rm option.

stopping the container#

docker stop plebnet-container