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Docker images are created using a Dockerfile, which is a text file containing instructions on how to build the image.

The docs.Dockerfile (in the base of this repo) includes this container's build recipe

FROM condaforge/miniforge3:latest
LABEL maintainer "Asher Pembroke <>"

# use pip's --no-cache-dir option to avoid caching, which can reduce the image size
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir mkdocs python-markdown-math markdown-include pygments mkdocs-material


CMD mkdocs serve -a

You can build a container from a single dockerfile like this:

docker build -f docs.Dockerfile -t plebnet-compose:v1 --load .

This builds the image and gives it the name plebenet-compose and tag v1

docker images

REPOSITORY          TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
plebnet-compose     v1        6b50b5681519   4 minutes ago   475MB

This way of building is suitable when there is only one image, but it quickly becomes cumbersome when dealing with multiple related images and services. We'll see in a moment how to handle this with compose Compose.